Monday, August 14, 2006

You're not so and so!

outside of club..
Scene 1
Chad : Good Evening..
Cindy : Good ticket please..
Chad: I'm sorry but you have to be famous to come inside and dance..
Cindy: Whatever! I don't want to come to your stupid club anyway! (she walks away angrily)

Scene 2
Chad: Hello sir...
Sam: Hey, how 's it going? Could I have a ticket ..
Chad : You need to be famous to get in here..
Sam: I'm Harry Potter! Don't you know me?
Chad: I thought Harry Potter was English, you're Korean..
Sam: I only look English in the movies.
Chad: Ok, come on in..

Scene 3
Tom : I'm King KOng, let me in! ( beating his chest)
Chad: (Laughs) You're obviously not, but i'm in a good mood.

Scene 4
Chad : Good evening ,maam
Julie: Can snow white come to your party?
Chad: I'm sorry she can't tonight.
Julie : I have 7 dwarfs who think I can ..

Scene 5
Chad : Hello sir!
Joon : Hi, I'm superman, can I come in?
Chad : If you're superman, do something super.
Joon : I can't , today is my day off..

Scene 6
Chad: Good Evening maam..
Michelle : Hi, I'm little red riding hood.
Chad: But you're not wearing a hood.
Michelle : That's because it's way out of fashion.
Chad : Ok..come in

Scene 7
Chad: Hello young lady..
Linda : I'm not a lady..I'm E.T
Chad : I thought E.T went home
Linda: No, I decided to stay.
Chad : Ok..whatever..

Scene 8
Chad : Hello sir!
Soo: Hey man, can spiderman come in?
Chad: Spiderman better prove he's spiderman
Soo: I can spray my web all over you??
Chad: No, that's ok..

~ saje nk letak kat sini..idea Chad utk bdk2 kelas dier utk performance minggu nih..keke..menarik gak idea Chad besh jerk..

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